This core values worksheet makes it easy to identify and record the core values that define you as a person. The core values worksheet is shown below. Click the DOWNLOAD button to get a printable copy.

“Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?” – Steve Jobs
Excerpt from: How to use Core Values in your Self-Renewal
While self-renewal gives us the chance to consider who we are and how we want to be, our core values give us a path to follow. Core values define who we are, they are our guiding principles but can change and modify as we grow.
What are Your Core Values?
It’s probable that you learned many of your values from your parents, extended family, your teachers, your religious leaders, and the society around you. It’s also possible that circumstances of childhood or trauma have made your core values harder to access.
You probably rebelled against some of those values at times or changed your mind and moved farther away from your family’s values as you’ve grown, learning more about yourself and your world. It can be helpful to decide the top 4-8 values that mean the most to you right now and to understand those principles.
Your core values are as individual as you are. They are your internal compass that should determine your decisions. (There is a great worksheet on my website – you are there now -that can help you determine your core values.)
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Using the ideas in this article has helped me get a clearer picture of myself which isn’t usually an easy task