Hello old and new Friends. During the past year, we have covered many topics. Some were hard and thought provoking. Some were more fun but still helpful. I know from your feedback that many of you have used some of our discussions to improve your life. If you have been around me at all, you know that I insist on celebrating our wins. This is a good time to remember those wins, review and celebrate last year and get prepared for setting some new goals in our next post.
Many of us, especially around New Year’s, are good at setting goals, but forget to review and celebrate last year and our own achievements and growth!
Taking time to review and celebrate our successes gives us the opportunity to absorb how we’ve grown, and to recognize the changes we’ve made in our lives. We can ask ourselves important questions like, “What did I learn about myself?” and “What challenges did I overcome?” in addition to the usual focus on tangible achievements.
This exercise is Part 1 – “Review and Celebrate Last Year”, while Part 2 will be “Prepare to Set Goals for Next Year”. The questions and reflections in this exercise help you ground yourself and consider what’s important before setting goals for the coming year.
TIP: This exercise is available in printable .pdf format. The printable version includes blanks following each question so you can fill in your answers and keep the completed form for your reference. Just click on the DOWNLOAD button below.
Annual Goals Preparation Part 1: Review & Celebrate Last Year!
Start by setting aside 30-45 minutes, and find somewhere you can relax and sink into these questions. Perhaps you’re snug in a local coffee shop with your favorite latte, in front of the fire at home or in the bath with a herbal tea or glass of wine. Then answer these nine questions to review and celebrate how the year went for you.
Important: Do your best to identify three to five items for each of the first eight questions – and answer them intuitively from the heart. This isn’t about what “looks good” to others, instead think about what YOU are proud of – no matter how small or unimportant it might seem to others.
STEP 1) Here are the 9 Questions to Celebrate and Review Last Year:
1. Name Your Proudest 3-5 Achievements this Year
These could be big, small or anywhere in between. What are you most proud of?
2. List 3-5 Challenges You Overcame this Year
What was hard? What are you proud of overcoming, dealing or getting to grips with?
3. What Did You Learn about Attaining your Goals?
Think about skills, knowledge, techniques, useful facts, lessons learned.
4. What Did You Learn about Yourself?
These could include (but are not limited to!) your strengths, weaknesses, talents, positive or limiting beliefs, desires, values, hopes, fears, etc.
5. What New or Existing Relationships Did You Develop?
Who did you grow your relationship with? This could be personal or in business.
6. What Did You Create or Bring into the World this Year?
Think broadly – it could be anything at all that has your unique stamp on it
7. How Specifically Did You Make a Difference in the World this Year?
Big or small, how did you help others/your community/the world? It could be in your family, wider community, friends, colleagues – even strangers!
8. Where Did You Have the Most Fun?
What did you enjoy most in life this year? Take a moment to honestly feel your answers.
9. If You Were to Write a Newspaper Headline that Summarized the Year for You, What Would it Say?

STEP 2) Review And Absorb Your Achievements
Now it’s time to review your responses and take time to absorb how you feel. Consider:
- How do you feel as you look over your lists? What are the highlights?
- What themes and patterns do you notice?
- If there was one thing that stood out, what are you most proud of this year? Circle it!
Now, it’s time for the part we usually skip over…
- You’ve answered and reviewed the questions, now take a deep breath and really feel and celebrate all that you already are – and are becoming. Enjoy what you feel and absorb it. Stay here for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, two minutes.
- Relax and stay a while longer. Be proud of yourself, your achievements, what you learned and how you grew. Recognize yourself. Pat yourself on the back. See who you are and what you achieved this year!
- What are you saying to yourself right now that you would like to remember and hold onto?
STEP 3) Celebrate
- To wrap up this exercise, consider what reward or treat would remind you that you worked hard, learned and grew as a person.
- What could you do that would anchor the feeling of gratitude and pride in yourself and all you achieved? Examples could include taking the day off to do something creative. Or buy yourself a gift—something that symbolizes the past year that will remind you during the year ahead of your progress. Something beautiful you will see often. Something special that recognizes all your efforts.
Now, if you haven’t already, all you have to do is commit to your reward or treat. It’s important and symbolic. It will help propel you into and through the year ahead. Remember that you’re worth it!
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