Best Self-Care Ideas

For several weeks in 2022, I led a group online discussion on self-care. This article contains the best self-care ideas shared by that group.

Self-Care Ideas Poster

Crammed full of great self-care ideas these posters will improve your outlook and your life. When you feel tired, blue, anxious or frazzled, go to your Self-Care Ideas poster and pick an idea.

Building Yourself…

You don’t have to choose between building yourself through self-care or self-esteem. Choose both. You will get where you want to go faster.

Self-Care Test

Self-care is an effective way to cope with stress, anxiety and worry. This Self-Care Test is easy, quick and free. It gives instant results.

Find Your Stress Level (Quiz)

Find your stress level here. Stress is on the rise. Recognizing when stress occurs can help you head off a more serious problem. If something doesn’t feel right for more than a week or two, you might want to see a doctor.  Moreover, if the feeling continues unchecked, it becomes chronic. What’s more, that kind… Continue reading Find Your Stress Level (Quiz)

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