Choose Happy

I spent last weekend at a wedding. Almost everywhere you looked people were happy. Relatives meeting up, friends of both the bride and groom wishing them well, and the families happy and relieved it all went so well. I was surrounded by happy. The exceptions, a few clearly unhappy people.  The unhappy few stood out vividly in the otherwise happy gathering. Thus, the impetus for today’s discussion: If you get to choose (and we all get to choose), why not Choose Happy!

7 Rules for a happy life.

Happiness is a Choice

I have long been a proponent of happiness and joy. Also, I think most people want to be happy. Sure, you will experience many challenging things life. Sickness, grief, losing a job, loneliness, and even betrayal are just some of the things that could come your way. Things such as these don’t mean that all of life is bad. They just mean that life is not easy. 

“If you are waiting for happiness to find you, you will be waiting a long time and will end up disappointed. Happiness does not come from your circumstances or your situation. Happiness comes from a choice that you make within.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if once we achieved happiness it would stay with us forever? It is instead a work in progress and the good news is that if we’re not happy, we can work on change. Conversely, the bad news is that if it’s not a priority, if we don’t choose happy, we run the risk of bringing more unhappiness into our lives.

Research has shown that genetics play a role in happiness. People are born with a certain happiness “set point”, but that only accounts for around half of our total achievable happiness level. Another 10% is due to life circumstances. So you and your choices determine 40%. A lot of reason to work towards happiness. To choose happy.

How to Chose Happy

There are ways that you can promote happiness. Many require little work but all are worth incorporating into your daily routine:

    1. Train your brain to be more positive. 

This doesn’t mean putting on a smiley face while dwelling on negative things. That fuels unhappiness (and plays a role in depression and anxiety). Instead, choosing to notice, appreciate, and anticipate goodness is a powerful happiness booster.

   2.  Express gratitude.

Gratitude helps you experience positive emotions, decrease depression, feel better about yourself, improve your relationships, and strengthen your immune system.

   3. Nurture and enjoy your relationships.

One of the biggest sources of happiness in our lives is relationships. Studies that look at happy people bear this out. So, take the time to stay connected and spend time with people you care about. 

   4. Live in the moment absorb life’s pleasures.

When you focus on the present moment, you are more likely to feel happy, and at peace. You are more likely to see the good things that are happening, rather than letting them pass by unappreciated or unobserved.

   5. Focus on helping others and living with meaning.

People who help those in need and give back to communities tend to be happier. They also tend to have higher self-esteem and general psychological well-being. Practice kindness and giving every day. Brighten someone’s day with a smile or do a favor for a friend.

   6. Take better care of your health.

Exercise and sleep are particularly important when it comes to happiness.  People who exercise regularly are happier across the board. In addition, they’re also less stressed, angry, anxious, and depressed.

   7. Get the sleep you need.

Sleep affects your happiness, vitality, and emotional stability during the day. You should aim for 7-9 hours nightly on a consistent basis. When you’re sleep deprived, you’re more susceptible to stress. It’s harder to be productive, think creatively, and make wise decisions.

Always Choose Happy

Choosing happiness is not like choosing what shirt to wear. It takes is an inner change of perspective and attitude. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Find the positive in a negative experience. 

Choosing happiness means incorporating some healthier habits and looking outside ourselves to find a flow. “Flow happens when you’re actively engaged in something that is intrinsically rewarding and challenging yet still attainable. “

“Happiness is a direction, not a place.” Sydney J Harris. 

Related Article: Happiness And Gratitude

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