You can contact Shelley Davis today.
We value the privacy of clients (past, present and future.) Therefore, users can remain anonymous on this website. To reach out to Shelley Davis, respond to anything on this website, ask a question or to request information about life coaching with Shelley, email personalskillscoaching@gmail.com. We keep all emails confidential.
Discovery Calls
Shelley offers a free discovery call. During your call she will answer your questions and help you determine if life coaching feels right for you. So why not send a confidential email to contact Shelley Davis today and set up a life coach discovery call?

Or email: personalskillscoaching@gmail.com
Register With Life Coaching With a Smile
You can register directly with us by providing a user name of your choosing and an email address on our registration page. We will never share your email address with anyone.

Social Media

Please contact us. We would love to talk with you.
* Please leave a comment below. You may comment anonymously or you may use your first name. We may post or quote your comment on the website. We will never post or share your last name, email address or any other personal identifying information.
You rock! Where can I leave a review of your excellent services?
Thank you Regina for your kind comment. Anyone can leave a review using the comment box at the bottom of each page of the website. Alternatively, reviews can be delivered via email to personalskillscoaching@gmail.com. Thanks again for your comment and for being a client.
Shelley Davis is one of the best in her field. Not just a clinician and coach, she brings her skills down to the average person’s understanding.
I have missed her this summer.