You may have one big New Year’s resolution in mind. You might be struggling to make progress with three to five different goals simultaneously. In any case, you will inevitably find yourself losing motivation, being distracted, dealing with competing priorities, coping with emergencies, unable to focus on your goals. A powerful vision board can help get you back on track and keep you on track.
A vision board is a visual representation of one or more goals. It displays images, quotes, objects and ideas in a way that will remind you of your goals, reinforce your determination to reach your goals, inspire you to overcome obstacles, and help you celebrate your progress.
You probably know that it is important to put your goals in writing. Writing your goals transforms them from being just a dream into something real and tangible. In much the same way, a powerful vision board can help to transform your goal into a plan and a series of actions.
The only rule you should follow in making a vision board is to fill it with only positive stuff. Beautiful images. Inspiring words. Uplifting thoughts. Other that the positivity rule, there are no rules. Your vision board is whatever your want and need it to be.
The following seven ideas will give you some help in getting your vision board started and illustrate the wide range of options you can explore in order to make your vision board meet your needs and circumstances.
1. You have to have a vision to make a powerful vision board
Give your dreams some thought. Try to find a clear, direct way to articulate your aspirations. Write down 1 to 5 realistic goals. Make your goals SMART goals. (You can use my SMART Goals Worksheet for help.) Use your written goals as the basis of your vision board.
2. Choose your vision board medium
Your vision board does not have to be a poster collage taped to your wall. It can be a cork or magnetic bulletin board, a wire wall grid, a graphic on your computer display or the wallpaper on your phone’s home screen. It can be a blank expanse of wall that you can tape or pin things to. The sky is the limit. Just remember, your vision board will be more effective if it is in your face often.
3. Make your vision board and make it uniquely yours
Gather images, words, quotes, objects and anything else you think might work for you. Arrange them in a way you find pleasing, helpful and uplifting. Don’t worry about getting things exactly “right.” You aren’t stuck with your finished vision board forever. Have a timeframe in mind for your vision board. As that time goes by, you will probably want to revise or add to your vision board. As that time frame expires, you may want to start your next vision board.
4. Use your superpowers
Select ideas, words, images and objects for your vision board that have power for you. The more powerful they are the more effective they will be in propelling you toward success. Many people find that using search engines is an effective way to sift through images and quotes. You can design your own drawings or graphics. Write your own affirmations. Pick out more material than you can use in your vision board. Save the leftovers to revise your vision board throughout its lifespan so it stays fresh and appealing.
5. Fear Nothing
Remember the one and only vision board rule: Only positive stuff! Believe it or not, you will be tempted to incorporate negative thoughts and pictures to remind yourself of why you are working so hard to attain to goals and avoid the consequences of failure. Don’t succumb to the temptation to scare yourself into succeeding. Fear is not the answer and is a poor motivating strategy. Stay with positive encourage and inspiring material.
6. Make your powerful vision board impossible to miss
Put you vision board in a location where you cannot help but see it frequently. The more often you see it the better it will help to lift you higher and keep you moving forward. If you have a physical vision board in your bedroom or office, you can take a picture of the vision board to keep on your smart phone. Or you can print the picture and put the print in your planner or tape it to your bathroom mirror.
7. Your vision board won’t work unless you make it work
You absolutely need to take action to make your dreams come true. “Sure, you could put a picture of a million dollars on your vision board, sit back and let the money roll in, but… Spoiler: it won’t.” – Your vision board is useless unless you put in the time and work to succeed in achieving your goals.
Download Printable Copy of the Seven Ideas for a Powerful Vision Board
Vision Board Idea Gallery
The following gallery of vision boards may provide more vivid ideas to fuel your personal vision board creation. Click on any image to see the full picture.

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