Several users have asked how they can get notified of new articles on Life Coaching With a Smile. This has been a problem for us since we guarantee your privacy as users by never collecting email addresses, other contact information or even your names.
However, in response to popular demand, we have set up a subscription process so we can stay in better touch with our users. Registering by providing a User Name and Email Address on our registration page will enable us to send out news and updates directly from Life Coaching With a Smile. We will never share any user names or email addresses with anyone. If you choose to not register, you can continue to use every feature of the website.
Another solution to the notificatiion problem: we normally update weekly (usually on weekends.) So, there is almost always something new on Monday morning. In the our website’s first year, we added 123 new posts.

We have a social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. We post notification of new articles on all of these platforms. If you chose to follow us on one or more of these services you should get our notifications in your feed. You can go to our social media pages and follow us here:
The “Feeder” App

We recently discovered which may be a solution to the notification problem. Feeder is a free app that allows you to enter the names of websites (use for our site) and receive a daily “Notifier” email, with any updates to those sites.
Feeder apps are available free for Android and Apple (ios) devices. Also, for computers you can just register on the website. We have tried Feeder out and found it to work simply and efficiently.
Life Coaching With a Smile has no connection to Feeder. We first became aware of the app a few days ago. So, we are not advertising their service. Rather, we are attempting to respond to our users’ requests.
If you want to get notified of new articles, give Feeder a try. And please leave a comment here about how it works for you.
Feeder is one of several RSS feed reader apps. (It is the only free app we found that offers notifications.) For several months we have provided an RSS icon to assist users who want to add this site to their RSS feed. If you use any RSS reader, you can add our RSS feed:
Related Page: Contact Shelley Davis
* Please leave a comment below. You may comment anonymously or you may use your first name. We may post or quote your comment on the website. We will never post or share your last name, email address or any other personal identifying information.