As we greet each new day, we have the opportunity to set the mood for what lies in front of us. With a few simple preplanned steps, with each steps becoming a good habit, we can begin each day knowing we are taking steps toward success.

ARISE (good habit #1)
As you wake and face the day take a moment to be grateful. Be grateful for the small things or the big life-changers. In addition, you might listen to inspiring music, do a meditation or just remember an affirmation. By doing so, these good habits can gently set the mood for the day and position you to make the most of the day in front of you.
STABILIZE (good habit #2)
Make it a good habit to just BREATHE. There is anecdotal evidence showing a warm drink with lemon can help with hydration, digestion, skin tone, and antioxidants. Don’t just jump and run. Instead, take a moment, sip your drink and think about where you are going and what you are going to do. Consider how you are going to accomplish your plan for the day. Is today the day you make the first step on a life goal?
ENERGIZE (good habit #3)
As you begin your day, not only energize your body, energize your vision. Make it a good habit to SMILE. Then, reaffirm and fine tune your vision as you shower or make breakfast. Pause and make a call or send a message and take a step toward your goal as it is fresh and present in your mind. Group things together ( errands drop offs, pick ups) do more then one thing at a time, ( fold laundry and listen to pod cast, ) be ready with things to do during down time, ( while you wait to pick up child or for a meeting to start do email). By doing so you have set the stage for success, being aware of what you want and/or need to get done makes the doing easier as you go through your day.
MOBILIZE (good habit #4)
Be realistic. As you put your plan in motion remember there are 24 hours in a day. So be flexible, you have taken time to plan, you know what you need to do but things can take longer then you think. Things like traffic, an unplanned phone call, or something wonderful like hugs from a loved one or a rainbow, can cause you to change plans. Make it a good habit to do the “must-dos” first. This way if you get sidetracked you will still feel productive at the end of the day. Also remember, first and foremost, be kind to yourself. Now get out there and own today.
SUMMARIZE (good habit #5)
Whether you are going about a day with errands or a day at your salaried job this plan can work. In either case, at a the end of the day it is important to take just a minute to reflect on what has worked and what has not.
One last good habit: give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge your successes. On the other hand, if you fell short of what you wanted, give some honest thought as to why. For example, was your plan realistic? Did you need to take some time to walk away and rest or regroup? Was it too much? Did you hit a bump you had not anticipated? Is your objective doable? Do you need to do something differently? Also remember to make a note. Some people find it effective to jot down some ideas for tomorrow. In this way you can give yourself a head start.
By being aware of your first moments daily and making a plan for your day you enable yourself to be proactive and become the architect of your life.
Do you have a daily routine? Do you think a routine would help you complete or work on goals?
Related Article: Attaining Your Goals
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