Everyone has at least one habit they would like to break. We find out that habits are hard to break. We often end up giving up after a long frustrating struggle. Maybe it doesn’t have to be that way. This Habit Change Process Diagram can help.
Charles Duhigg, author of Power of Habit, developed the following diagram he calls an infographic to help explain how to change a habit.
The diagram may be hard to read, depending on whether you are using a computer, tablet or phone. To download the original flowchart click HERE. (Or in Windows, Right Click the image below and select “Save image as…”) Then you can view, keep and/or print the Habit Change Process Diagram as you wish.

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This diagram is included as a supplement to our article Keys to Successful Habit Change. The following is a brief excerpt of the Habit Change article:
I think changing even one habit can change your life. But habits are notoriously hard to change. This article explores the keys to successful habit change. Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution on January 1 to change a habit? To either get rid of a bad habit or pick up a good one? I’m guessing the answer for most of you is “Yes.” Has that resolution gone by the wayside a few days later? I’m guessing for most of you the answer is “Yes” again. We are creatures of habit. “Much of our daily lives are taken up by habits that we’ve formed over our lifetime. An important characteristic of a habit is that they are automatic– we don’t always recognize habits in our own behavior. Studies show that about 40 percent of people’s daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations.” sciencedaily.com
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