How to be your best authentic you

how to be your best authentic self

This is the first is a series of articles regarding the important topic of renewal. Every one of us is at a different place in our lives. We all have challenges, success, learning opportunities, abilities. Some of us are in the beginning of our work life, others in the middle of our careers, and some are retired. Maybe we have children or grandchildren. But, no matter who or what or where we are in our lives we can always work on being the best person we can be. I don’t believe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It is never too late to learn how to be your best authentic you.

I believe there are always new pathways being built within our brain – if we let them! I believe we can learn new skills, we can practice and perfect the old ones, continue with school, be open to learning and travel, and meet new people. Be open and inquisitive and become the best you that you can be. 

Who R You (8 ways to move forward)

Want to know how to be your best authentic you? Over the next few weeks, we are going to talk about eight ways you can keep moving forward toward your best you. Onward. Upward. Many of these ideas may appeal to you. Or maybe only one might. Nevertheless, as you continue to evolve, be open minded to know what else you might try. 


Self-renewal is the process of updating oneself. It is also the process of bringing ourselves more in line with our life purpose and values. In doing so, we also set the direction of forward progress in our lives. 

Reflect and Retune

Take a look at yourself and be honest.  We will look at core values and learn how to recommit to them so our behavior supports the values we hold most dear. 


Sometimes it can be easy to forget to take time for yourself. Weeks fly by in the blink of an eye. But even during the busiest days, it’s important to set aside a bit of time to recharge. We will work on why sometimes we must come first. We will discuss new ideas for meditation and sleep.


We will talk about what to do if you make a mistake and how to take action to prevent negativity from escalating. Since everyone is different, finding the repair strategies that work for you can vary.  Regardless of the mistake, or the remedial strategy, repair is critical so we can make amends and move on. 


Successful renewal means making good choices every day. It means creating or replacing a morning ritual to inspire you. We will discuss habit control and replacing bad habits with healthy ones to feed and empower your body and mind. To renew yourself, sometimes you must renew your social group.  About 95 % of your thinking comes from the people you associate with on a regular basis.  Let’s choose people who lift us up.


Just as plants outgrow a pot, you too can outgrow where you are in life. You will have to replant yourself every once in a while.  When our growth slows or stops, it’s time to move. We will discuss the importance of being willing to change if we want to continue to grow and the best way to move toward something not just away from something. 


I am a believer that you can never say “Thank You” enough. Recognizing someone who has helped you is imperative. Whether it’s your spouse getting you a cup of coffee or a workmate helping on a project or a stranger picking up something you dropped, showing gratitude and returning the favor is imperative. In addition, volunteering your time, your skills or your money, giving to others will help you renew and realize how abundant your own life is. 

Reward and Rejoice 

We get to go around on this earth just once and we are not going to be perfect at it. All we can do is our best. And when something goes right or you make a good positive step forward you should reward yourself.  We will talk about ways to reward ourselves, and ways we can find the joy in every day. 

Renewal: How to be Your Best Authentic You

During the weeks following the publication of this article, in addition to articles about the “R” topics described above, there will also be quizzes, worksheets and additional resources on the website. We update the site weekly, so we can make each week special if you provide your own ideas and suggestions on renewal. Leave a comment of suggestion in the comment block below. How can we be the best we can be? How can YOU be your best authentic YOU? 

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