Joyfulness! Picture it for a moment: pure joy. It could be sitting in the sun on a warm day. Knowing that your grown kids are on their way to visit. Or, it could be just the opposite: A moment of peace and quiet in the house.
More than Happiness
I think a lot of people confuse joy with happiness. Though they are closely related and can occur at the same time these emotions are not the same. Happiness is an emotion that brings bursts of intense pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction. But joyfulness is a stronger, and longer state. It gives us feelings of inner peace and contentment.

Forest Talley, a clinical psychologist in California says, “Happiness can be easily manufactured, but joy comes through setting up the right conditions for it to suddenly appear. Happiness can be brought about by a good cup of coffee in the morning or a funny movie. Joy, on the other hand, is more difficult to cultivate.”
So finding Joy is an ongoing process that takes time, work and awareness.
Joy is worth finding
It is worth it because of all the health benefits you get along the way. Susan Damico, director of the Center for Resilient Children reports, “Numerous studies suggest happiness and joyfulness predict lower heart rate and blood pressure, as well as stronger immune systems. Additionally, individuals who report having more positive emotions also have fewer illnesses, including minor aches and pains.” Wow. Fewer aches and pains. That does sound like Joy!
You can have joyfulness. Let me help you find it. Take a look at my next article on Joyfulness.
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