Many of you would like to start to simplify your life. I know I am ready to simplify mine.
So, let’s explore what it means to simplify your life…
A few years ago I had to clean out my mothers home. It was exactly the nightmare I knew it would be. She was 6 when the depression started and to lessen the number of people for her parents to feed she and a brother were often sent to live with other family members on farms who had work they could do. She had very little growing up but she became a gatherer of many things. Dolls and dishes and antiques, and jewelry. The thing is these objects weren’t on display, they were mostly boxed up. Her real joy came from walking through her flowers and watching birds and reading. Those simple things were the things that brought her joy.
The older I get the more simplified I want to make my life. I want to have the time to do the things that make me and those around me the happiest. I find inspiration comes from unforeseen places. My daughter looked at my collection of teacups and said, “Do these give you joy mom? If they don’t give you joy get rid of them.” (Good thing I didn’t have this advice when she was a teen)
The person that suggested this topic really hit home when he said:
“Simplicity is about a greater appreciation for what really matters for the heart and wellbeing. Simple actions like taking a 5-minute break just to smell the roses, look at a painting and get lost in the colours. A simple hello can do wonders for the heart and can change the mood for the day.” MOC
What Does it Mean to Simplify Your Life?
Undoubtedly a simplified life means different things to different people. But basically, for our purpose here, to SIMPLIFY means to choose to live with less stuff and focus on the essentials. These people limit things that aren’t necessary for their life. They do not live to work. Instead, They work to live.
“Material things are often looked at to provide happiness when we should be finding joy in the simplicity of life. Material things are situational. When you begin to find contentment in the seemingly small and simple things, you can find lifelong joy.” fullforlife.com
Contrary to what some believe, living a simple life does not mean living an impoverished one. It doesn’t mean you have to become a homesteader and grow your own food, though of course you can. Rather, it means appreciating the little things in life more than the material things. It includes things like more free time, your loved ones, your hobbies, nature, good food, travel and yes watching birds and walking in your flowers.
It means more experiences and less stuff.

Goal of Simple Living
The goal of living simply is to focus on what matters most to you, like family, friends, and shared experiences. It’s about limiting your distractions and disentangling your life, which can also involve slowing down when needed.
“When embracing a simpler lifestyle, you learn to be more content with less. It’s not that stuff is never a temptation, but you do grow to see how stuff doesn’t hold lasting significance and importance in life.” Thesimplicityhabit .com
Simplifying your surroundings, getting rid of the stuff that is not giving you joy, frees up your life. Less to clean, organize, repair and less to distract you. By decluttering you get a simpler space that is functional, comfortable and inviting.
“When you achieve simplicity in life, you feel calmer in daily situations and simplicity becomes a habit. It shines through every aspect of your life.” Simpleliving.com
You Benefit When You Simplify Your Life
One of the most important benefits is that simplicity gives us choices in the way we spend our time, money, and energy.
With simplicity in life, you more easily recognize what is truly important among all the different things fighting for your time and attention.
When you simplify your life you will discover the following benefits:
It’s good for you.
Simple living doesn’t just feel good, it’s good for you. It is easier to rest at night, can lower your blood pressure.
It frees up creativity time.
Less stuff to clean and fewer commitments mean more time for you to tap into your creativity and do the things you love. This time to create can be hugely beneficial to your mental and physical health. It can put you in a better space to focus and succeed. Amd it fosters self-esteem and joy.
It increases brain function.
Living simply probably means watching TV less and reading and talking with family more. That’s a good thing because studies have shown that those who watch endless hours of television every night experience more cognitive decline.
It reduces stress.
Cortisol, which is the stress hormone, rises when you are in cluttered spaces. Once the clutter is removed there is less stress.
It improves quality of life.
Living simply leads to a more joyful life. When you’re focused on what matters most and have removed the excess stuff, it brings more fulfillment.
“Reflecting on gratitude and being content with what you have will help you to fully embrace your simpler lifestyle.” Thesimplicityhabit.com
It means better relationships.
As you begin to put more importance on experiences over stuff, you are going to spend more time and energy on relationships with those important to you. When you aren’t distracted by tv and phones, your relationships will get stronger.
It saves you money.
Now I have your attention. How many times have you looked for something and when you couldn’t find it you bought another one? Decluttering makes you aware of what you have so you don’t buy duplicates. As you learn to become a more purposeful shopper, you end up with fewer impulse purchases. Most people don’t know how much money they waste on things they don’t need. Simple living allows you to live within your means and have less financial stress in your life.
Does this sound like something you might like to try? As with every important change, you should first set a modest goal. Take some initial baby steps to see if it’s for you. It is not an all or nothing process. If this is a journey you want to take or even if it is just a small change to the life you have, read my next article which will cover ideas and tips to get started. Until then, you might want to check out these recommended resources on simple living (click on any of the books to open its Amazon page):
The 25 best podcasts on simple living
Discount subscription to Real Simple Magazine

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