Find your stress level here. Stress is on the rise. Recognizing when stress occurs can help you head off a more serious problem. If something doesn’t feel right for more than a week or two, you might want to see a doctor. Moreover, if the feeling continues unchecked, it becomes chronic. What’s more, that kind of chronic stress can put you at risk for serious health problems like heartburn, severe headaches, jaw pain, heart disease, muscle pain, skin rashes, weight gain. Just look at what stress can do to a slab of solid rock.
Stress is one of the most common issues among our clients at Life Coaching With a Smile. That is why many of the articles on the web site involve recognizing stress, coping with stress and reducing stress. Because stress is a major topic, you can see a listing of all our stress-related articles using the “Categories” menu at the bottom of this and every page.
About This Quiz
We adapted this “Find Your Stress Level (Quiz)” from a test developed by the Headington Institute. According to the Headington Institute, this test “is not a clinical diagnostic instrument and is provided for educational purposes. It merely identifies some of the more common symptoms of stress. If you have any concerns about your state of emotional health, you should consult with a mental health professional.”
First, answer each question honestly. Also, if you skip a question your results will not be accurate. Finally, after answering all the questions, click the SUBMIT button to reveal your results almost instantly.
If you find the quiz helpful, please share the quiz with friends and relatives using the animated floating social media icons.
Related Articles: Stress (Positive & Negative), Manage Stress
Plus, to see other stress-related articles click on “Stress” in the “Categories” menu at the bottom of the page.
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