
Set aside time to seek out humor, just as you might set aside time to learn any new skill. Soon, humor and laughter will become part of your life.

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Self-Test

It can be difficult for anybody to determine whether the feelings they are experiencing are depression, anxiety or stress. Luckily, this self-assessment was developed to do just that. Spend a few minutes and try this depression, anxiety and stress self-test.


The shock from emerging from two years of COVID Coma brings all kinds of awareness, some good and some surprising. Luckily, there is a cure.

Self-Care Assessment

As a way to start making your own self-care routine, I have created a Self-Care Assessment and Actions worksheet you can use.

Self-Care Quiz

A Self-Care Quiz you can download and evaluate for yourself. It is not only revealing but full of good ideas about self-care.

Self-Care: Relationships & Boundaries

Few people instinctively know how to listen to their needs, reflect and rebalance.  Self-care is necessary to a life that’s productive and one you feel good about.

Categorized as Self-Care

Mental Coach?

If you are a person searching for a mental coach remember, coaching should be all about YOUR dreams, YOUR issues, YOUR goals, YOUR needs.

Self-Care & Self-Esteem

Self-care is more than just physical. Learn about emotional and spiritual self-care.

Categorized as Self-Care

Physical Self-Care

You must care for yourself or you can’t care for others. Physical self-care means you can become much happier, balanced, and self-assured.

Categorized as Self-Care


It is essential to keep ahead of the stress that gets sent your way. Luckily self-care can make it easier to live your best life.

Categorized as Self-Care
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